Interior Design

How Did I Make My Home Baby Ready?

Expecting a little bundle of joy is such an exciting time, but it can also be very daunting for the parents. Getting your home ready, especially for first-time parents, can be a scary process, with you constantly worrying about missing important areas. So, I’m going to share with you my story, about how I got my home ready for the arrival of my little girl.

Every mother to be goes through a period that is commonly known as nesting. This the where she will begin to prepare the home ready for the new arrival, with intense cleaning, sorting and decorating! This generally starts from around 28 weeks when you are in your final trimester of pregnancy.

Now, when I started going through the nesting phase, all I wanted to do was organise. Every day, I would be sat in my daughter’s nursery making sure everything was in its place, organised and ready to use. This is a great way for you to be getting your home ready for your little arrival.

It is likely that you have been waiting for the day to put up your babies sleeping arrangements, with most partners wanting to hold off until the last day. Once you reach your nesting phase it is the perfect time to introduce the new sleeping arrangements to your home. This not only helps you to prepare your home but for you to get used to these new items being around your home.

The final thing I did to get my home ready for my daughter was a full bedroom makeover. Now, this is not necessary, but it helped me feel ready to be a mum. It helped me to feel as if my room had been given a fresh start for the new arrival.

Once you reach 28 weeks, you will begin to get excited. It will seem like everything is just falling into place.

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